Friday, April 11, 2008

Seth Thomas

I have never met Seth but when I look at his pictures, I feel that I know him. Do you know what I mean? I have been working the streets of the "badlands" for over 17 years now and have worked all shifts. I am almost postivie that I have bumped into him or at the very least, seen him walking downtown. I have to give props to Seth, he is a inspiration and a influence to many. This makes him immortal. Please take some time to view him memorial site. Thank you and may your God go with you .

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow you found Seth group's blog. We were just looked up under forgetten Chicago. Simple same type guy who would get on bike to ride around to take pictures. Sad how Seth's life end that way. Good that theGroup are trying to keep up show Seth's pictures.